Friday, July 20, 2012

Another day, a little embarrassment and a new project :)

I am huffing and puffing and sweating after chasing Gabby down the street. She is walking with the little girl from next door up and down the side walk like a sweet little girl, while I water. All of a sudden I hear a "Oh No" and look and Gabby has stripped off all her clothing and running to the end of the block. I drop the water and take off at a sprint (Yes, a sprint with my big boobs) Imagineme running at a sprint and all my neighbors outside watching on, several stopping mowing to watch. She gets to the end of the block and turns the corner. I finally catch up to her and when I am carrying my extremely naked child back up the block my neighbors start to cheer and my elderly neighbor brings a towel for me to wrap around my child while we have are walk of shame back to our yard. We now have to move, because my child just showed her who ha to everyone on the block. 

Well before the embarrassed, I went shopping on Amarillo's Craigslist and found these tables for $125 a piece. After no negotiation the price was dropped to $100 a piece, withe the condition that I take both. Both were in terrible shape and covered with gum. The man who sold them to me said they were in his mothers family for years. Yeah right, they had gum on them. They probably came from a school auction or something. No one would let there children put gum under the table. Why people lie is beyond me. Anyways after spending about 8 hours sanding this is how the look so far. 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Finished Pet Station :)

So after several mornings of sanding painting and poly...its finished. I am really happy the way it turned out. When I put it in our spare bedroom our one and only cat came immediately. She jumped up and started to knead the bed and ate a little; she is so curious about new things in her space. I think she approves. I have got several good reviews about it on Facebook. More than anything I am glad our large basset hound will stop eating all of her food every night and I will stop feeling like a bad mother when I look in there and she has none :)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Pet Station

     After spending my days as a stay at home Mom, I have been wanting to start a new project. So I was searching through Pinterest, and discovered this Pet Station. After clicking on the picture it led me to this website
     We have a new dog Tugger, who we got from the pound.  He goes into the cats room at night and steals all of her food. Who could blame him, he weighs 75.8 pounds today at the Vets office. So I had to find a way to elevate her food bowl. After discovering this conversion from an old desk. I went on Craigslist and looked for a desk to transform.

     I found an old roll top desk advertised for $50.00. Me being the bargain hunter that I am got her down to $40.00. It was sticky and smelly and almost falling apart. I felt like I almost overpaid. I probably did, but whatever. 

     I ended up having to rip out cubbies to be able to put the pet bed in. I was going to try and salvage the roll top part of the desk, but it basically fell apart on me. I started to worry if the whole thing was bound to just fall into a big heap in front of me when my inner voice said "Chin up Stacey, just roll with it" and then I said aloud "Everything happens for a reason, maybe this is just how it was supposed to be".  

     After my mini meltdown. I sanded and looked at all the extra paint I had left over from the house and decided to go with Valspar Azure Snow. I love this color, it looks good on anything. I am also a huge fan of light blue. So after two coats. The back was looking a little worn and splintery. I went to my local Lowe's and got some breadboard cut to fit the back. Two coats of white paint and I love the contrast. This is how it looks so far. 

     I ordered an 18 x 24 pet bed for it, and plan on going to Hobby Lobby to see about some cute knobs. 

     Tomorrow I will add two or three coats of Poly and finish it up. Stay Tuned for the finished product :)

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas 2011

What a day today was. It was one of those perfect days that start off with me realizing we are going to have a white Christmas. As soon as I went into Gabby's room, she was smiling up at me and bouncing in her crib. I started singing Jingle Bells and we had a moment. We got dressed in a new set of PJ's and headed for Nana's house. As soon as we got into my new SUV and got a hot Starbucks in hand we were off.
Gabby loved every minute of opening her presents. It took her a minute to get into, but she really got the hang of it. She stopped once she found a small rolling ladybug suitcase her Nana got her. She could not get enough of rolling that around and carrying her baby. After that she did not really have a lot of interest in opening the rest.
I cannot help but love seeing Christmas through your child's eyes. It's like the day never mattered so much until you can now share it with her. She is a true blessing to me everyday and she never lets me forget it. Her smile and her cackling laugh always make me remember to thank God for every second I get with her. I was a very lucky Momma today to get to watch her enjoy her second Christmas; around my family. We had great food and an easy relaxing time. The best was watching her open her last present which was a Pinkalicious little four wheeler. She cannot steer at all yet and keeps going straight until she hits a wall or furniture, but she loves it. You can tell she thinks she is so big ridding around. She is so sweet it makes my heart swell with pride looking at her. She is the sweetest baby. What a great day :)